Sunday, October 27, 2013

"The Falling Leaves Drift by our Windows......"‏

Roberta Gedhert
The Autumn leaves in the North West are just breathtaking! Really, they are! This is a picture of our sweet friend Roberta, whom we took to the Seattle Temple on Friday to do her first Baptisms for the dead. She has never been in the Temple, except for the open house in November of 1980. It was a glorious experience for Sister Carter and I to be with her. She was the only patron in the Baptistry and President Bishop, 1st Counselor in the Presidency, came and spoke with her. He reminded her that she was now in the most Sacred Edifice on earth and was worthy to be there. He invited her to never forget this blessing and then to  never 'move from this course' that allows her to be in the Temple on that day.
Secondly, he reminded her that on this day doing Baptisms for her G-Grandma, she was blessing her with a privilege that her G-Grandma could not do for herself and to always work on her Family History so she could do more of this work. Since Roberta became active, about 6 months ago, she has done 7 Generations of work for her father's family and is also working on her mother's family. She never misses church or RS night events or her Visiting Teaching. We just love her. Roberta is one of the most humble sisters I know. She has very few of the 'things of this world' but her heart is overflowing with love for others. She is constantly making quilts for those she loves and also the Elders. After doing the Temple Baptisms, we took her to lunch in the cafeteria and then she was able to go upstairs and be in the front foyer of the temple....behind the recommend desk and she was so astonished at the beauty of the chandeliers!! I am so thankful to be part of the plan that introduced us to Roberta and helped us to get to know her. She is amazing!

Sunday we were able to count 17 less-actives and 1 non-member at church. This is such a wonderful thing to see these people in attendance. Kathy and Al came. He is a non-member and she is less-active but they love what they are being taught and really enjoyed being at church. It was awesome to have all that came there.

Monday we needed a break so after washing sheets and clothes, vacuuming our little apartment, scrubbing bathroom and kitchen, I made sweet rolls and after writing all our letters we walked to the Lite-rail and rode to the city and down to "Pikes Market". We really needed nothing but just had to get away so we each bought these 'humongous' cookies that we cut in fourths and eat with yogurt for breakfast. Then we walked back up the sidewalk for 2 blocks, got a soda at McDonald's and came home. The Norm Smiths took us for lunch at "Sizzler" at 2:30, had a great meal and a delightful visit. We love these sweet people. He is 80 and she is about 73! FHE was at 6:30 that evening, the sweet rolls were done and off we went again. It is a fun time to meet with these wonderful people we have grown to love!

Tuesday was Transfers...Oh My, we lost our Great Elders Kearley and also Tracy. It is really hard to let these young men go when we have grown to love them so much as they work very hard and also send people to us. Elder Porter's new companion is Elder Griffiths from Holladay, Utah. Elder Flake's companion is Elder Anderson from Rexburg, Idaho. They are just great Elders. And the biggest news is.....neither set of Elders have cars!!! They are walking and taking the buses. This is very unusual BUT, they are young and strong and are willing to obey....and then understand tomorrow.

My car breaks are wearing out so Eric, a member of our Single FHE is helping me. He told me to go to Auto Zone and get new Front and Rear brake pads and also the front and rear rotors. The following day he installed them for me...only allowing me to buy lunch for him. He says we are doing the Missionary work he is not able to do. What a great guy he is!! We visited with the Gov Family this week and it was an exceptional meeting. The Spirit was very strong and all of us that we there really felt His warmth and the truthfulness of the words that were spoken by all. The come to church when we visit but the weeks we don't make it, they usually do not come.

Thursday afternoon we prepared dinner for the Powers and also Irene and we ate at Power's home. We had liver and onions, which we all love, and the fried potatoes that Dick loves. It is a good experience to go to their home and share with them love and friendship and usually just listening to them chat. I have said that Dick is 88 and he is 82. Thursday night for RS we took Sister Mah and also Jerylyn, a non-member. We had a lovely dinner and then went into the Family History Center where all we taught how to do Family Search. Jerylyn liked what she learned and is interested in the church.

 Tonight was the Seatac/Burien Wards Halloween Party. We drove the Mah's over and then came back and picked up Angela and her boys....Jordan and Ramone. It was a fun party and this little family, who are non-members, loved what was going the treats. We were able to go to 52 homes this week which is really quite good. We see success with some and then we see other slip and slide away a bit but we can NEVER give up hope that somehow we or someone else will make a difference in their lives. Well, the week is over and it just flew by. I don't know where the time goes but it is really moving rapidly. Sister Carter and I are doing well. We feel we are making progress with the people we are working with and look forward to continued success.

 I did not get to chat with my Mom this week so I hope all is well in her life. I am sure it is. I usually get a note or two from most of my children and they sound well. May God be with all of you this week and Bless you! Take the time too look for the Miracles in your life this week and to recognize them.

Love to all of you, Sister Frame

Monday, October 21, 2013

"Now Behold, a marvelous work is about to go forth....."‏

Friday we were going to visit another family and we saw a field of dahlias behind a home. They were very beautiful so we "marked the spot" with a plan to go back the following day. The gentleman that owned the home and the property was about 80 years old, who digs up and replants each bulb each year. He told us the flowers were $3.00/dozen and we were welcome to come anytime and leave the money in a can on the back porch. He also has scissors and clippers to use. Well, we picked 2 dozen, purchased a nice vase for $.50 from a garage sale and made a gorgeous bouquet for our Bishop's wife. She was so appreciative and wondered how we knew she was having a hard day, plus she was a bit sick. This is just a simple miracle that shows Heavenly Father's love!
This is such a wonderful season in the history of the world to be alive. Our Modern Prophet reminded us of our Savior's words, "Go ye therefore and teach all Nations...". Joseph Smith declared"....the greatest and most important duty is to preach the gospel" and then the words of Pres. David O McKay phrased, "Every member a missionary". To these words President Monson adds his own that now is the time for members and missionaries to come together to work together and to labor in the Lord's Vineyard to bring souls unto Him. Whew!! This is quite a calling for all of us and it is just important that each of us do something to 'bring souls unto Him' in our own ways. This is the Seatac District and all six missionaries are working in the Seatac Ward.  
We have had some very interesting and wonderful experiences that last week.
We went to Ronald's home about 7pm on Sat evening. The front gate was locked and the yard was very nice with fun Halloween decorations and it looked safe so we went in the side gate. Well, we walked to the door and a black German shepherd dog just walked up to us and nosed around as we walked on the sidewalk. Then a big, larger white German shepherd walked up to a us a bit more briskly and they both turned around and walked around the house. We knocked on the door and Ronald answered nicely but asked us how we got on the porch. Well, we walked up the stairs and here we are. That surprises me that my dogs are not doing their job! He told us he had company and invited us back any evening after nine. The following day we told the Elders of our visit and Elder Flake told us to be sure we kicked the chair-linked fence before we opened the gate the next time we went. We returned Tuesday evening on splits...kicked the fence and to our total horror, the white dog came tearing around the corner of the house straight at us growling, barking with his teeth barred and then the black one also came. He was so close too jumping the fence, really; we turned and almost ran and he never stopped barking and jumping and being mean....and the door was never opened. I guess he really did not want us to come back. We realized that Heavenly Father protected us with Angels when we were in the yard and calmed the dogs followed by no barking! Another miracle in our lives. 
We met Ilene, a non-member two weeks ago. She was skyping her husband in the Phillipenes when we knocked on her door. She wanted to talk so she said she would call us and we left our card. SHE DID CALL US! We are so excited to be teaching her about the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in these Latter-days and to teach her the truths we know and hold dear. I love being a missionary! 
Seatac District: Elder Porter, Tracey, Sisters, E. Kearley,  & Flake‏
Friday was Zone Conference. President and Sister Choi spoke, our Mission Choir sang "A Child's Prayer" (which was incredible) and Elder and Sister Paul Johnson, Church Commissioner of Education spent the day with us and also spoke ad trained us. One of my favored quotes of the day was by Sister Johnson and it is..."When obedience becomes more than an irritant and becomes our quest, in that moment God will endow us with Power!" Isn't that awesome! It was such an amazing experience to get answers for the challenges I have been praying about during our conference. I continue to be reminded of God's love for "this daughter' and to know He loves all His children. Yes, another wonderful miracle given to be in my life.
May God be with each of you and bless you this week and may each of you take time to recognize the Miracles in your lives and to record them.
Love to all of Mom, Children and Grandchildren and Friends! Thanks you so much for your notes and letters and your prayers. They mean very much!

Sister Frame

Sunday, October 13, 2013

So What.... !

Just wanted you to see the beautiful flowers at Pike's Market on Puget Sound this time
of year.  Caught this little boy carrying flowers for his mom....prices are $5-$10. 

 Our opportunity to enter many, many homes each week is such a privilege in my life.
I love to visit and listen and learn and I really enjoy hearing the stories of my 
brothers and sisters and why they 'do what they are doing' whether they are active 
or less-active or non-members.  This past week we called a sister in our ward to go 
with us to visit Marvin, who is an incredibly fine, 56 year old, less active, 
widower because  two Sister Missionaries cannot be in a home with a man,  even if he
is 80 years old and has had a stroke and can only say 'yes' and 'no'.  This requires
that we call another person so we can be in the house.  Prior to the cool weather
coming, we have been meeting with him on chairs in the yard. Well, this day after 
viewing and discussing the Mormon Message of "Your Potential-Your Privileges", 
narrated by Elder Uchtdorf, the Spirit of the Holy Ghost was with us in his kitchen.
It felt so good and Marvin liked what he heard and he was reminded of what he knew 
from many years past.  We then invited him, again, to come to church on Sunday.  He
said he had not been to church since he was 19-20 years old and then I heard myself 
say, "So What!  That was then and you can start in two days".  To all who read this
blog, these are very powerful words! Some examples often used by all of us are: 
1)  I have not fasted in months so I am not able to fast.   "So What....start 
    fasting this month. 
2)  My sister has not called me for two years. "So call her and start 
    a relationship." 
3)  I just cannot teach Gospel Doctrine because I am not smart enough. "So What....
    study, pray and practice and you can do the job with the help of Heavenly Father."
We all have weaknesses, faults and have not done things we were expected to do. 
"So make your own choices and start over today."  You will be very
 blessed for your efforts and your desire to improve.   I KNOW!! 
We had Zone Conference this week.  Elder Vang ad Elder Seppi counseled us with wisdom.
They taught, again,  of the first Law of Heaven which is Obedience.  Remember in 
1 Nephi 2:3 we are told that Lehi was obedient unto the word of The Lord;  likewise 
in Luke 22:42  Jesus Christ knelt to pray saying "remove this cup from me; 
nevertheless not my will, but Thine be done".  Jesus was obedient to His Father. 
It is an act of faith and though we don't understand all those things we are asked
to do...we obey!  And not 92% of the time or 99% of the time but 100% of the time. 
One of our Elders told us his high school football coach had taught them, "The Devil
is in the details."  We must choose to do the small elements.  We may not have been 
100% obedient in not shopping on Sundays.  "So What....start this Sunday and do it!"
Elder L.Tom Perry said on pg 122 of PMG..."The discipline contained in daily obedience
and clean living and wholesome lives builds an armor around you of protection and 
safety from the temptations that beset you as you proceed through mortality." 
Isn't that the most powerful thought.  We must be protected and it really is not that step at a time by small and simple ways.
Our Mentors, Home Teachers and dear,dear, friends, The Sassers, are leaving the 
Washington Seattle Mission Thursday, Oct. 17, 2013.  They are driving their
candy-apple red Doge Charger 'filled to the brim' back to Orangeville, Utah. 
Oh, how we will miss them.  Their departure will make Sister Carter and I the 
only Senior Missionaries in our Zone.  We have enjoyed their wisdom and friendship 
and their laughter and tears....and Sister Sasser's Southern accent.
      We learned to love them
          as we have served by their sides.
      They have fed us and taught us
         and shared many rides.
       We look to each other with
          much respect and love.
      They now complete their Mission
           with Blessings from Above!
 Well, I just re-read my letter and I am sure you can tell I am filled with feelings
of love, appreciation, emotions and admiration for those people I have spoken about 
this week. Our week has been very challenging, though we have had a couple of 
'glorious' experiences.  We have worked very hard, going to 55 homes and I want you
to know when we are vertical at about 10:10pm it requires about 32 seconds for sleep
to overtake both of us.  It feels so good to be exhausted because of physical service
rendered and love and emotions felt.
Again I tell all of you how much I love my mission!!
Thank you so much for your prayers and letters and love!
May God be with all of you and bless you this week.  And please take the time to 
notice the personal Miracles that God has given to each of you....and take time to
record them.
Love to all of you,
Sister Frame

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Conference was Incredible!!!

The Brown Family
 How does one say anything of value after the beautiful words of Conference!  The beauty of the changing trees in Washington, an afternoon yesterday meeting non-members that we will teach after Sassers leave, and the song of Angels during October Conference seem to have 'watered my eyes' more than usual.  I totally "stand all amazed at the Love Jesus offers me" as I experience all my senses and see and hear and enjoy all my Heavenly Father has given me.  How does one single out the words and feelings of our Prophets, Seers, Revelators and leaders of our church.  However, Elder Richard Maynes message of Challenges in Life and solving them and overcoming weaknesses in the process really impressed my heart.  His message that challenges faced will be for our ultimate good struck another chord in my heart and I loved it!  As we left our morning session, the Brown Family wanted a picture taken of themselves and I also wanted a picture of them.  He is the 1st Counselor in our Bishopric and EVERYONE loves him and his family!!
   Our service project this week was painting three garage doors after 3 days of torrential rains and I am not sure if the doors are dry yet!   The project was completed with smiles on Sister Carter's and my face, sun in the sky and two happy members of our ward.
   Let me tell a wonderful story.  Our friends, Kathleen and Alan (he is a non-member) have an extremely beautiful baby-grand piano that Kathleen's mother, who was an accomplished pianist played.  They are preparing to sell their home and on one of our visits of teaching them both, Alan said if we knew anyone who needed a piano they would willingly give it to them.  They have had it for years and no one has played it.  About a month later, we were visiting Gary, a wheelchair bound Brother who lives in our ward and whom we are friends with.  He was telling us the story of his daughter who is a gifted pianist, living in the midwest and her husband obtained a job in the NorthWest near her dad and they were excited to come.  The sad part of the story was that she had to sell her piano because it was too costly to pack or ship but her husband promised to buy her another one.  Well, because of difficulties they were unable to buy another piano,  So the story is that they have been here for years without a piano.  As we told Gary about the piano that would be given without a price he was astounded.  He told her daughter who in turn called Alan and Kathleen.  She came to their home the following day, loved what she saw and as she sat down to see how it felt, Alan and Kathleen sat with tears in their eyes at the 'beautiful sounds' came from the piano that had been silent for so many years!  This is glorious and is a simple reminder that Miracles continue to happen daily and I wanted to record this one!!  Remember, if you need any help with anything....."Just Call the Missionaries!"
         A few weeks ago I asked a non-member friend if I could borrow her card table to put my sewing machine on.  I found myself mending torn pockets, popped seams and torn shirt pockets.  It was very inconvenient to get the machine out and put it on my desk and then put it away....knowing that a few days later I would be getting it out.  So, now I am helping the Elders keep their slacks and white shirts mended and there is nothing I would rather do!!
         Wednesday of this week we had the privilege of being interviewed by President Choi and also Sister Choi... what a choice experience!!  We love them and admire them and often speak of the words and stories they have taught us.  We also went to the Temple Friday morning with the Sassers. This is one of the greatest blessing that have changed in our Mission....the Seniors may attend the Temple whenever they want to and are able!  We also went to visit Anita.  She is a member and had attended BYU and then came to the NorthWest wondering if she really believed the teachings of Jesus Christ.  She no longer comes to church, tells us she is gay, she studies the Zodiac signs and also believes in Reincarnation.  Wow!!  But we have been to see her and enjoyed some good visits.  This week we told her about a Prophet of God speaking to the world in General Conference (which she understands) and how to get Conference on her BYU Channel.  She really was interested about the BYU Channel, especially when she saw the movie, "The Work and the Glory"!  Really, some seeds were planted and I have no idea if they will grow but for the next 8 months we will continue to nourish them and remind her of what she once believed.  We both gave her a hug when we left, after the song of "I am a Child of God" and prayer.  She told us she was glad we came and invited us back!  It is by  "small and simple means" that great things are brought to pass and who knows, she is a Child of God and He loves her.  Our prayers are for her daily.
   I just "Stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me.  Confused at the grace that so fully He proffers me".  I really have felt His love in enormous proportions today and just can't begin to share my feelings, nor would I because they would do injustice to the truth of what I feel and you probably would not understand them.  I am so indebted to my Heavenly Father for the privilege I have of serving a mission for Him.  For the opportunity to meet these wonderful people in Tukwila and SeaTac and to feel the power of their Testimonies!  To those that are less-active, it is such an opportunity to meet them and remind them of those things they once knew and loved.  And for the incredible experience it is to work with the Sisters and Elders in this area...I just can't say enough.  I love them with all my heart.    I am going to end this letter so I can call my sweet 92 1/2 year old mom...who lives alone and is just "an incredible lady".  I love her very, very much and thank her for the many things she has taught me about "loving womanhood."  May God be with all of you this week and bless you!  Please take time to watch for the Miracles in your lives and record them.  
Love to all of you,
Sister Frame