Monday evening we were invited to eat with Brother & Sister Nelson, our Stake Patriarch and also a Temple Sealer. He has been going out with the Elders to teach Tommy Solomon, though Gina, Tommy's wife, really is not quite ready to listen. She is from Poland and Tommy is from Texas, he a widower and she is divorced. They are now married and living in Normandy Park.Tommy loves what he is hearing about the Doctrine of Christ. I was blessed to sit by he and Sister Nelson at our Stake Conf. on June1. He was a jet pilot fighter during a war and now is a retired Military Man and is very interesting to speak with and humble and oh so kind! It was a good experience to visit with him. And last Saturday at a baptism in our Seatac Ward, Brother Nelson and Tommy were there again and this time Sister Carter sat by him and also did some visiting. After the baptism Bro. Nelson was visiting with us and felt we, The Sisters....the older missionaries...needed to come to dinner with Solomons. We asked him to clear it with Pres. Miller because his home is out of our area...and he did!! Yeah!!
The dinner was so lovely with grilled salmon, grilled asparagus, wild rice from Trader's Joes and a tossed salad and roll. Oh yes, rhubarb cobbler for dessert!! But 'the visiting and chatting as we ate' was even better. We heard of Gina's life in Poland, how she and her two daughters left EVERYTHING and came to America. She was sent as a refugee to Salt Lake (interesting) and then came to the Northwest where she and Tommy met. She is about 5'1" tall and is so cute. Tommy is an African American, about 6'2" tall, and very handsome. They are so fun. The Spirit pervaded the evening and then turned to questions Tommy had about death and the Melchizedek Priesthood. We all visited and I know I was an instrument in the Lord's Hands as we shared in visiting!! Sister Carter and I ended with singing, "A Child's Prayer" which filled the room with more of the Spirit and then Bro. Nelson asked me to give the closing prayer. I wish all of you reading this blog could have been there and experienced the profound experience that we felt as Tommy and Gina, and all of us felt God's love and kindness, and were all taught more of Him.I love my Heavenly Father with all my heart and I know He knows and loves all His children!!!
Tuesday morning Sister Carter had a procedure done at The Highline Hospital. She has Barrett's Esphogas. She was extremely sick about 2 weeks ago and now was having the procedure done, which was also done a year ago. She is doing much better and it is good the tests were done before going home as she will be so busy getting settled, buying a new home and all that entails. It was a good 3 hours for me as I studied and wrote in my journal and organized some notes. So thankful for modern technology and medicines that can help us feel better and preserve our lives!!
We visited with Irene, took Doris a B-day card and visited for a minute or two and then went to teach Theresa a lesson continuation on the Plan of Salvation and some of the commandments. We also went and taught Dwight and Nancy. Sister Carter says she is doing just she always says...but she was tired and we did not work hard this afternoon.
Wednesday we went and had the tires, stems on the tires, air pressure, brakes and also shocks checked for my trip home. There was not an appointment so we went about 9:30 and only had to wait about 45 minutes and also went and bought Apple Fritters for the Missionaries at District Meeting. We were in Burien so we drove to the Stake Center and picked up a jumpsuit we thought would fit Theresa for her baptism; however, we goofed and it was extremely small so we went back on Thursday to do an exchange....and got it right.
District Meeting was at 12:00 so the cold milk and fritters tasted good after meeting. Elder Wohlgemuth did such an excellent job. He is rather sober but today some of the Elders had him smiling and laughing. It was good for all of us. Our Zone Leader, Elder Webb told us the message from Pres. Choi to be shared at District Meetings was "Look Up" for the last 2 weeks of June and bring miracles. The Seattle Zone has a culture of Miracles and we need Father's hand a great deal in the work we are doing of reaching the High Expectations of 100 baptisms in June. We were reminded and taught by Elder Wohlgemuth how Nephi (1 Nephi 4:7) 'went forth' and he followed the Spirit.
When The Lord asks us to do something...we are to go forth and do it and then keep trying even when it seems impossible. God will provide a way for us to accomplish the work. Miracles come by faith and if we exercise this faith and work to have the miracle become a reality, it will happen with the collective faith of the individual missionaries and their companionships. This was a very inspiring and motivational District Meeting. We love the Elders and Sisters in our District.
Thursday we taught Theresa more of the Restoration and of Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. She is feeling sooooo much better and is following through with here reading of the B of M, is praying and coming to church. We are so happy for her that her baptism is finally here.....and so is she!! She even had the energy to buy a couple of new skirts to wear to church and also some blouses. This is where the truth shines about 'setting goals' and continue to reach and work towards them...and God will provide a way for us to accomplish the work!!!
We had a beautiful FHE with The Gov's and all were, dad, Jolyne and Elaine.We taught them of the B of M...showing them the Mormon Message of that book; we encouraged them to set some goals for the summer to read this wonderful book daily and to pray about what they are reading. Brother and Sister Gov are so blessed to be American Citizens. They were both refugees from Cambodia. Sister Gov and her family escaped by hiking over mountains, she was 12, into Thailand. Her experiences were hard but her great faith made it possible for her to find a life in America....and she is so extremely proud to be An American.
Roberta's Temple Day |
Dick and Annabelle |
Our Dear Friends |
Well, Saturday was our day of a great Miracle. We have experienced so many rocky-trails with Theresa prior to her Baptism. I think I shared she had nearly died because of taking her meds incorrectly and overdosing on them. She was extremely ill! We missed 3 lessons because of her sickness. She was so discouraged, almost ready to give up on life. So, Roberta, her dear "Angel Friend" called the Elders to she if they would come and give Theresa a blessing of health and also give Roberta one because as the main caregiver (not even a family member but just a friend) she was so discouraged and felt it was her fault that Theresa had mixed up her meds. Well, Theresa has two children that rarely come to see her but in about a week they both came wondering what she was doing thinking about being baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Our next lesson the dog started barking (which he never does), the phone rang 3 different times and a clock in her home started chiming....are you kidding me...! It seemed as if 'legions' were doing all they could to prevent this baptism from taking place but Theresa continued on. We gave her two more lessons and left the ipad so she could she Joseph's Life History and she loved it. She was interviewed on Wed. June 18 by our District Leader. He said she was certainly worthy but maybe a bit weak in some understanding but we feel that will come with more lessons and time spent coming to church and learning.
Theresa's Baptism Day! |
Elder Gomer, Roberta, Theresa & Elder Phister |
This was a wonderful, glorious day and Heavenly Father certainly blessed Theresa and also Sister Carter and I felt His love for the work we had done. This baptism added to the 100 count of Baptisms in the Washington Seattle Mission in June. YEAH!!
After the baptism, we went to Dick and Annabelle Powers for steak dinner. He was so thankful we would come and spend some time with them. He also invited Jim and Rosie, his daughter and also invited Irene. It was just a wonderful gathering and we closed with our 'trademark' song that Dick loves, "A Child's Prayer". What a fun couple of hours. We love the Powers very much!!
I am writing this at the end of Saturday and my heart is sooo full of gratitude and thanks and love....but the words will not come to express it! I thought when I came on this Mission I was being so good to give head to the thoughts that I should serve. But, the blessings in my life and my families lives have far exceeded all I can ever do. I am so very much indebted to Heavenly Father for all He has given me and also Sister Carter and myself as a companionship and my Family. I just don't know how to express how I feel!!! I have loved this experience...."more than infinity"! (That is what Livi, my grand-daughter says about how much she loves me.)
The Badge I wear over my Heart! |
So, as I write my next to the last letter, I am very thankful for all I have.
I love my family and my friends...those at home and those new ones in the Seatac Ward.
I will see all of you soon....hopefully on July 13 at 9:00 am in the Sharon 2nd Ward......
641 South 400 East, Orem, Utah.
God be with and bless all of you in the days and weeks ahead....and look for the Miracles that are a part of your lives.
Love to all,
Sister Frame