Monday, August 26, 2013

Its a beautiful day in our neighborhood...

Sister Carter and I think of this song and it makes us laugh!!  Actually, a woman was shot in the leg just across the road a couple of weeks ago;  some people living in the apartments, also across the street and a bit south, kill their chickens in their bathtubs, pluck the feathers and flush them and plug the toilets and I had $75 taken from my coin purse from our church.  Then when we were walking this morning, a friend in our apartment complex told us to NEVER leave our windows open on the ground level, which is where we live, unless we plan on using a gun.  Yes, we have been sleeping  with the window open 3 inches with a wooden block in the track but still we wonder.  Really what was Mr. Rogers singing about?    Not so sure but regardless of these events the Spirit in our lives is strong and all of you would just rejoice in knowing the miracles that are happening here in Seattle....just as they are happening in your own homes and areas!!

Our apartment, bottom right.

Our front Yard
   Our Sacrament meeting on August 18 was just glorious!!.  Pres. and Sister Choi, the Mission President just came, and remember he is a General Authority. They are both Korean and speak with accents.  He tells us "If you don't understand me, that is your problem".  He laughs but the message is that we are to pray for the spirit to bless our ears and hearts that we can understand them.   They spoke also with Sister Sifkes, a sister missionary leaving.      
   Monday for P-day we went with Sassers to Seattle and visited the Aquarium and also to the Zoo.  It was just such a fun time to be with these Senior Missionaries.  We ate lunch on Pier 54 at 'Ivars'.  I think the company and the time together was probably better than the food.
    This week I was still unable on Monday to get into the IMOS system to write Pres. Choi his weekly letter.  I had asked Pres. Miller what to do so he gave me the president's personal email.  I used it for 2 weeks but knew I should not use it again so my goal for this p-day was to figure out what I was doing wrong.   My little ipad had worked for 6 1/2 months and then was not working.  I  tried for over an hour to do 'whatever' needed to be done...nothing worked.  I asked Sister Carter for help....nothing worked.  I called my "computer-guru son-in-law' for help but it was during FHE and there was no response.  I told Sis. Carter I was not willing to go to FHE for us until the problem was repaired. TOTALLY frustrated, I knelt down at my desk chair and asked Heavenly Father to please bless my mind that I could think through the process.  I knew I had to write to Pres. Choi the following Monday so the program needed to run effectively today.  There was not other time to work on it.  Yes, most of you know I know so little about what I am doing with this ipad.....but when I completed by prayer and returned to my little ipad, I knew what to do!  I really did.  My mind walked me through the process and I was able to enter the IMOS.  I stand all amazed at the Love Heavenly Father offers me and I am so humble to know that DAILY I am blessed with Miracles and personal revelation, as are each of you.  
   We are so thrilled that Roberta now has her 4 Generations completed.  We have given her a ride to the Family History Center for 5 weeks and Brother Helland has been the 'angel' that has worked with her and helped her to have such incredible results.  This week she is getting interviewed for her Patriarchal Blessing and she has asked us to take her.  What a Miracle!!!
   We received our flu shots on Tuesday.  Wednesday we taught Marvin the first discussion.  He is about 60, has been a baptized member his entire life but never been to church since he left home at about 18.  So, our message is to remind him of those things he has forgotten, or never knew, and encourage him to come to Church.  Since we as 2 sisters can't go into his home, he is a widower, we sat on the front lawn and it was an incredible experience and all three of us felt the spirit. We visited our Chinese Friends, the Mah's and continue to pray, sing and teach them after loading their trash and recycle boxes.  We love them so much and they love us also.
     Another glorious experience was that The Sassers, Sister Carter and myself and  11 other Senior Missionaries were invited to Pres. and Sister Choi's home on Mercer Island for dinner.  This was a Chinese dinner (kim chi) and was the type of food the Chinese had been eating for 5000 years.  This was a delightful experience!!  Pres. Choi teaches us  to sing, sing, sing when things are hard or happy or whatever.  He says when we feel sick and can't work, just go to work and forget we are sick.  If we think life is hard, parents are poor or whatever, he says "So What!"  Now you make your own choices.  He wrote an article, "I love Rowdy Boys"  All of you need to look it up online and read it.  It is incredible.  I surely do love these wonderful leaders!!!!
   Well, this week we visited 60 homes!  We like this!!  Yes, we get tired but we tell ourselves we are not tired and keep going!!  We picked a gallon of blackberries for one of our dear sisters that needed them.  Blackberries are the "State Weed" in Washington!  
   I hope this blog does not sound frivolous but you need to know that I love what I am doing.  I am happy and I will ever be grateful for the privilege to serve and love and walk with my Heavenly Father in being his hands and feet and in teaching these wonderful people of the Northwest.  I am so thankful the Gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored in these Latter-days. I know Jesus Christ is Our Savior and Redeemer and because of Him we have the Atonement that blesses all who are baptized by those having authority and repent of our mistakes.  I love My Savior!!  May God be with each of you this week and your families and bless you!  Please take time to look for the Miracles in your lives and to share them with your children!  It is a Glorious experience to be a Missionary!!

Love to All of You,
Sister Frame

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Where has the time gone?

No one has a garden here, they just plant in pots, but what pretty color we see here! Isn't this beautiful!
I am just so surprised that the date today is Aug 18, 2013.  Where has the time gone? 
 Really, it is Sunday then it is Thursday and Sunday again.  However, as the days fly 
by so do the great and wonderful events in the Washington Seattle Mission.  We are
 happy and well and working very hard.  For example, we visited 60 homes this week 
and 52 were second visits;  we did just 7 hours of service and had 16 less active 
people to church last week.  Really, this is quite a lot of work for these two little 
ole ladies but we seem to be making a difference.  With both Elders and Senior Sisters
 in the Seatac Ward we are most often responsible for about 20-25 people in attendance.
 Today our mission president, Pres. and Sister Choi came to our ward.  What a 
blessing for all in attendance.  Our congregation has Chinese, Korean, Hawaiian, 
Burmese, Indian's, African, Ethiopian, Blacks and Caucasian.  What a glorious mixture 
of people that love The Lord and want to show their love by church attendance and 
serving! The missionaries in the Washington Seattle need not 'go forth to different
 nations'...because they are right here in the Washington Seattle Mission. They both
 spoke, Pres Choi and his wife. Pres. Choi compared the Gospel of Jesus Christ to 
kemshee e (a fermented cabbage with hot sauce that they bury in a leaf in the ground), because the words of the Gospel are not of 'this world' it is hard to 
understand and to live at first. He says most dislike kemshee e immensely at first 
but when you learn to love it (as the Gospel) you just can't live without it. 
Chuckles were heard in the audience but it made sense.  In 2 Nephi 31 it speaks 
or the Doctrine of Christ and how it is simple and plain and that our souls should
 delight in the plainness.  Therefore, we work to understand it (as we work to 
love kemshee e) and then as we understand the Gospel it is hard to live without.
Love this thought!!
    Our Monday was a simple one, did not have an adventure but just some shopping and 
then FHE with the Single Adults.
    Tuesday was Zone Conference from 9-4.  What an incredible experience to be
taught for hours at the feet of our General Authority Mission President Choi and 
his wife.  It was glorious and I feel it such a privilege to have this type of 
opportunity.  Pres. Choi choose a new Mission Song and it is "The Time is Far Spent" 
p 266.  He told us this song is very important to Heavenly Father and we are to 
learn it well and to learn from it.  Each of you ought to read the words.
Brother Sidney Gilbert's grandson is an Assistant to the President. 
He was assigned to speak about "Why we are on a Mission"  He did a very excellent job
and it was very inspirational.
     We worked very hard on Wed, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.  We experienced
 revelation and are so appreciative of the Miracles we have seen and felt.  How 
blessed we are!! I see the growth of the young Sisters and Elders we are working side
 by side with and I am extremely thankful for what we see and feel.  I do hope and
 pray that I also am growing and making some headway in my progress in the kingdom. 
 The privilege of serving and loving and being obedient is just something that can be
only experienced....which we all do but it is easy to forget.
    We received a referral on Saturday so we will teach her this Tuesday.  What a 
privilege!  We were reminded today in Sacrament of the importance of praying for 
specific names and events and blessings and privileges.  In The Washington Seattle 
Mission we unite each morning at 7:30 in prayer we have a prayer list for our 
District and we say each name individually.  Today in Meeting the benediction was
 given and  the blessings for the Missionaries of our ward were stated individually.
What a beautiful feeling.  I want to close to thank all of you for your notes and 
letters and for your prayers.  "No unhallowed hand will stop this work from 
progressing" and I find myself very humbled to be apart of the effort to send for
 the Truth of God!
May God be with all of you this week and bless you and will you take the time
to recognize the Miracles in your lives!!
Love to all of you,
Sister Frame

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

This is the Day of Miracles!!!

I am totally astonished that it is Saturday night and another week has gone flying by.  I just do not know 
where the time is going.  It seems that we just work harder every week and in Zone Meeting Friday, Aug 9 
we were told "The Best Never Rest".  I do know we never rest so we are hoping the results are great!!
     Last Sat. evening we received a call from a couple whose home we had visited about
 10 times....only meeting them on the 2nd visit and then never again; however,  we left
 our Missionary Cards each time. Last Saturday  PJ and Latoya called and wanted to know
 what time church started and thanked us for continuing to come back to their home even
 though they were not there.  They are both dispatchers for Hertz Rent-A-Car. 
It was just such a privilege to see them on Sunday and they stayed the entire block of meetings.  This is a Miracle!
 Today we went to Alan and Kathleen's home.  Alan is not a member but is very kind
 whenever we go visit but does not stay in the room with us.  We probably went to her
 home 8 times before we found her home and found her to be a rather delightful lady. 
 Her husband works at Boeing and she is retired.  She has not been to church since she
 was a teenager, now being 70, and she made a comment that she might like to come and 
she thought Alan would probably listen to the lessons.  Well, today they were both home 
and after about 5 minutes Alan came and sat with us in the living room and we really 
had a wonderful visit.  We always do PSL...(pray, song, lesson) and today on my little 
ipad we played Pres. Monson's "What Matter's Most" and then tied it in with the song of 
"I'm Trying to be Like Jesus".  The Spirit just permeated the room and when we 
completed our message and chatting when them, Kathleen said "I guess I need to finally 
go visit my sister.  I have not seen her for 5 years and she lives 15 miles away 
in Federal Way".  There were 'soft tears' in the room by both of them.  We offered 
a prayer and as we left, after inviting them to church, her comment was "Thank you 
for being so persistent"!  Seeds were planted again....and a Miracle took place!!!
 We continue to work with and love our 'hoarders' and we  are amazed at what is
 happening with their garage (not inside the home yet and we have dumped 197 boxes of
 'stuff'), their countenances and their happiness.  He has NEVER worked so hard in his 
life and he is just so happy about the change in his 'stuff' and also about how
 he feels.  He loves us and tells us.  That is a miracle and he continuously thanks 
us for helping him want to change and to improve his life.
We do PSL and they are taught (only in the church 6 years) the Gospel of Jesus Christ
 and we bear Testimony of the truth of what we teach.  It is unbelievable to feel his
 appreciation and happiness and the change that has come to both of them.  We love
 them so much.  They think we are 'Angels' and all this combined is a Miracle!
 Wed. we were driving Pac 99 Highway and saw Nancy at Wendy's, which is quite a long
 distance from her home and she is not in the best of health.   We pulled over and 
asked if she wanted a ride, she declined and said she was getting a treat and was 
just fine.  We drove to two more homes, only one being home and we ate some figs 
and plums and chatted and headed to our home.  I turned on a street that took me 
quicker to Wendy's...don't know why because I never use this street...and we saw 
an ambulance at Wendy's.   Stopping we ran to see Nancy being placed in the ambulance 
and as she saw us, crying she asked us to follow her to the hospital, which we did. 
 He son was at work and she had forgotten her phone so there was no one to contact. 
 We stayed with her in the ER for a couple of hours.  She had stumbled and fell on
 her face shattering her upper false plate in her mouth and cutting her lip very 
badly needing 11 stitches.  Why were we where we were needed?   Why did I drive a 
shorter distance to Wendy's?  Heavenly Father needed us to be 'Angels of Mercy' for 
Nancy who had no one else to be with her.  We had the privilege of being part of a 
Miracle this afternoon!! You might call these events coincidences or luck or whatever 
 but I know they are Miracles and they happen all the time.  I am extremely thankful
 that in this mission and to have been taught of Miracles and personal revelation and
 I know they happen and I am very thankful to be involved in these experiences.
 May God be will you and bless you this week and may you take time to recognize the 
Miracles in your lives.   I love all of you with all my heart! 
I know Heavenly Father is very aware of each one of us and He hears and answers 
our His time. I continue to love the work I am doing with Sister Carter
 and I appreciate every day in the Washington Seattle Mission!!
All my Love,
Sister Frame

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Carry On, Carry On, Carry On!

"Carry on, Carry on, Carry on"... These words were sung at the closing of Zone Conference on Tues. July 30, 2013 in Bellevue and I was so enlightened by the meaning.  Regardless of where we are in the Kingdom of God or what we are doing;  whether in the Mission Field as are about 70,000 of us or in the ranks of work in our home Wards, we must stand stalwart and brave with honor and virtue and faith in the Living God.  We were baptized and called to be his people and we said we were willing to bear one another's burden and were wiling to mourn with those that mourn and comfort those that stand in need of comfort.  All this we do that He may pour out His Spirit more abundantly upon us.  Do we realize our many blessings?
Irene's Birthday Lunch
P-day on July 9  Sister Carter and  myself took  Irene to the city on the light rail for Irene's birthday dinner.  We love Pike's Market and the plethora of beautiful bouquets and the variety of shops is just so inviting for an hour's stroll.  This little restaurant on a balcony, called the "Copacabana" was extremely fun and delicious.  We also enjoyed the scenery of a beautiful day!
Transfer Day!
Took them to lunch at Dave's Diner:
 Sister Prashad, Elder Kimball (gone) Buckway
Tuesday was transfers and our great Elder Kimball left and so did one of our Zone Leaders, Elder Geigle.  Elder Kearley is our new Elder from SLC.  He is wonderful, 18 years old, very polite and he is a fine young man.  Wow!  This adds to my feelings of age.  Elder Buckway is still our District Leader until he goes home which is sometime in Sept., I think.

Wednesday our visits were just incredible.  In each home we continue to use PML (prayer, music, and lesson) and we see the spirit come alive with those we visit and teach.  I am extremely blessed to be part of these experiences.  Oh, the joy of teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ and loving all those we work with.
We found a leather sofa ad love seat that one of our friends wanted to give away.  It had been in her rental and was extremely soiled so Sister Carter ad I scrubbed for a couple of hours, made it look almost new and had the Elders come to transport it to another family who were very grateful to be the recipients.   Oh, the joy of Mission work and feeling so much love from our brothers and sisters!
We daily continue our work of helping a couple who are "hoarders" REMOVE the stuff from their home with a plan and a goal that we might have the home ready to put on the market so they can downsize to a condo before we go home.  We have just started in 1/3 of the garage and have discarded 113 large postal boxes (the white ones).  We are very happy to see their ownership of improving their home by reducing those things that are very old and of no value.  This is bringing such joy to that that this moving might really be a reality.  Oh, the joy that service brings.         This week we have been challenged to do better and we have been reminded of Alma 20:4....'I know, in the strength of The Lord thou cans't do all things".  This applies to all of our less active friends and family, to those that are active, to family members ad missionaries.  We must realize the importance of making plans and then going forth according to the guiding hand of The Lord.
Miracles continue to happen daily in our lives here in Tukwila, Washington and it is such an honor be recognize them and be a part of them.  We fast and pray for these dear friends and hope with all our hearts they will listen to the Spirit of the Holy Ghost and choose righteousness and follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized by one holding the Priesthood of God. May God be with you and bless you this week and will you please take time to recognize the Miracles in your lives. 
I love all of you so much!!!
Sister Frame