Our Sunday ended by Sister Carter and myself traveling to Redmond for a Member/New Member Fireside and this was incredible! We sang in a choir of about 90 missionaries and if you want to feel the Spirit and have your heart skip extremely fast...attend a fireside. There was also a Youth Choir for the Redmond Stake filling the right side of the chapel. Wow! We had probably 20 testimonies given by new members and investigators. The closing song was "A Child's Prayer" with both choirs. WOW! I have never experienced the Spirit like this! What a wonderful last Fireside in the Washington Seattle Mission Field.
Our last week of our mission was absolutely wonderful! Sunday we were also asked to speak in Sacrament Meeting and our topic was "Temple Ordinances for the Living and the Dead". Monday we took the car to the car shop and had all the fluids and etc. checked for the trip home. We also went to Seattle, on the rail, (are you surprised) and just had a delightful day.Sister Carter and I decided we needed another trip to "Our favorite corner of the World". Sister Swenson and Sister Walker came with us and it was so much. It just seems that the fruit is sweeter in the city, the yogurt is tasting, the cookies are tastier and the piece of art I got of Pike's Market is just what I wanted. That evening our FHE group had a Going Away Party which was so fun. These are the people that attend....and again I say what a privilege it is to "love everyone".
Tuesday our Zone went to the Temple together. Pres. Choi invited us and a couple other companionships to come early and do Initiatory for Sister Choi's family. We were there early enough to do 5 other names and then 6 for Sister Choi and I LOVE doing the Initiatory work! It was just so wonderful that one of the names I did in Initiatory I was able to also do the Endowment Work for. Such a blessing and a privilege. I wish all of you could have the blessing of going into the Celestial Room to the view of about 60 Elders and 30 Sisters standing and sitting in the Sacred Place and to feel the power of their incredible Spirits. Oh my, how blessed we were to be there.
Sister Lance and Sister Moreton, who we met in the MTC and worked with for 6 months before the Seattle Mission was split and they were called to the Federal Way Mission, called us and asked if we could have lunch. They were released a week prior to our release. We called Pres. Miller and were given permission to get together....if they came into our Mission because we could not leave. This was a great 1 1/2 hour visit with food.
That afternoon we taught Theresa the NML's (New Member Lessons) on Tithing with Roberta there and I am amazed at how easy it is for her to understand and her willingness to learn and then to obey. We also visited The Robinson family with their two little people and had such a great lesson. That evening at 6:00 we went to Derek and Janeal's home for dinner, with his mother and also his step-father. Derek is the grandson of Rossie who was baptized. This couple just fell in love with the Sister Grandma's and wanted to see us and visit one more time before we left. They entire evening was spent with us sharing our missionary experiences. Richard, the step-father, non-member, just kept telling us we needed to write a book of our experiences. Then we would say something else and again he would tell us to write a book. I know Derek was AGAIN reminded of things he has been taught and believed and Sister Carter and I both feel that the time will come when missionaries will come to their door and they will be ready to be taught and reminded of the truths of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Pres. Choi called us about 8:30 and asked us to go visit with a Sister Companionship that were having troubles. He felt that since we were so much closer and we had the skills to listen and love that we would be of value in this situation. So we left of "this Errand of Angels" and pray for the blessings of Heavenly Father to help these dear young souls.
After dinner we went to YW-YM for the Burien Ward and also the Seatac Ward. This was a Missionary night to speak to and listen to them and their questions about our responsibilites. This was a fun night! I am amazed at how much these two Ole Ladies do in a day and how much we can accomplish. I realize with all my heart that we are just 'instruments' in the hands of of The Lord and He makes it possible for us to do so many things.
Thurs a Senior Meeting was held in the Mission Office in Bellevue. It was just such a great meeting with a light lunch provided for all of us (about 26) and organized and served by Sister Allen. Sister Carter and I were asked to share some successes and challenges we had experienced in the Mission Field. Really, this was just a great experience. We heard ourselves share experiences that were miracles and guidance from the Holy Ghost. We had been sent as Pioneers to this Washington Seattle Mission to find means and avenues that would work for other Senior Sisters. We both felt we had been Instruments in the Hands of The Lord as we paved this path that hopefully other Senior Sisters can understand and also improve upon. I just really love the work we have done and are so thankful for the experience of serving these wonderful people in our Seatac Ward.
Bishop told us a week ago that there was going to be a ward party of Sat. June 28. We were delighted to know and told him we would be there and bring some less-actives. Then he told us the party was a "Going Away" party for The Sisters. We both voiced that we could not do that, that we would be too emotional and cry and please not do it. He said, "Sisters, I am the Bishop. We are going to have the party and both of you are coming and are going to be the guests of honor!! So, yes we went and it was incredible!!!! Yes, tears flowed....can you imagine serving in the same ward with the same companion for 18 months. We are very attached to these wonderful friends.

Monday Sister Carter and I had to be to Mercer Island to the Mission Home of Pres. and Sister Choi. Nine missionaries were going home and we each had personal interviews; those not being interviewed sang hymns and told of one of our most remarkable experiences. They we had a beautiful dinner of salmon and fresh beans and chimshee....which I love. Pres. and Sister Choi are from Korea. Then we sang our Mission Song "The Time is Far Spent" and also sang "God be with You Till we Meet Again". Wow! What power filled the room. I was soooooo pleased that our daughters were able to meet our Mission President and his wife.

We arrived at my home at 5:55 with yellow balloons all over the lawns, kids running and screaming and the garage filled with tables and decorations and people everywhere. I think I was in shock as the tears flowed down my cheeks. I was home!! I was filled with anxiety! I had feelings of wanting to be in Tukwila and also so glad to be home. Never have I had such an emotional roller-coaster in my inner self but then, I have never gone on a mission!! Kids were running to me and screaming as they jumped up for a hug or stood for a hug or stood sooooo tall that I could hardly put my arms around their necks. Oh, what a thrill!! I was Home! My Mission was completed and again I said to myself, "I have fought a good fight; I have finished my course and I have kept the Faith". How blessed my family and I were and my heart was thrilled with joy!!!!!
I must express myself one more time. I am so thankful for a Heavenly Father that loves EACH of his children and wants to bless us. I love Jesus Christ and I am so thankful for His obedience to Heavenly Father to do all that was required to provide the Atonemet for all of us and also the Blessings of the Resurrection. I am very thankful for Joseph Smith and for the Integrity of his heart as he did all he was asked to do....that left his dear Emma a widow at such a young age and his children without a Father. Yes, the blessings of The Book of Mormon are ours because of the Prophet Joseph. I know these words I write and speak are true and I am so thankful for the Blessing of having my Personal Testimony of these truths. I am extremely thankful for the Miracles that happen every day and I am very thankful that I have been made more aware of them. I hope as you have read my blogs you will know more than anything that I love My Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
I have loved being a Missionary to teach Their words of truth.
I Love my Family more than I can say and I am so thankful for all they have done for me during my mission with prayers and fasting and letters and notes and texts. For my home they re-roofed, carpet pulled up and new layed, many walls painted, a new bathroom decorated and even tile laid. The list goes on and on and on! How Thankful I am for everything!!!!
May God be with all of you and bless you!!
Love to all that read this!!
Sue Frame