"If you're not a full-time missionary with a missionary badge
pinned on your coat, now is the time to paint one on your
heart---painted, as Paul said, not with ink but with the Spirit of the
Living God". These words express the feelings of our Prophet Pres.
Monson and his living Apostles that as members we really need to help in
His Harvest of Souls because Missionary Work can't go forward without
the work of neighbors, friends and family.
has been another amazing week as we have continued to invite another
112 people to our Christmas production of "The Angels Sing". I feel
like a primary child that 'sang as we walked and walked and walked' and I
still am astonished,when we deliver the invitations all over the city
of Tukwila, at the kindness and appreciation we feel from 95% of those
people we visit!!
I woke early
Thursday and one of my first thoughts was of Esther so I texted her
later telling her I hoped she had a wonderful day and that we loved her!
She called back (she never calls...just texts). While talking she
shared that the car had problems and that David and Peter had missed
Seminary last week and the 1st 3 days of the next week. The seminary
students here leave for our Stake Center, about 10 miles away, at 5:30am
because class starts at 5:45. Her family is Burmese and she is too shy
to ask for help thinking they just had to solve their own problems. I
am surprised that some of the students did not make an attempt to notify
the boys and help solve the problem but no one did. I notified our
Bishop and he gave me two names to call for help. The one said he would
call me back...which he did not do and the other was all ready driving
in the totally opposite end of town. Today at church we found someone
to help. The car should be repaired in a week. I guess I mention this
because it reminds me of how thankful I am for the 'Village of people'
that helped raise and drive and feed and love all the Frame Children!
The passel of children raised in our home could not have become whom
they are without others help. Yes, often all of us get tired of running
and serving and doing all that needs to be done but what a blessing it
is to serve...'when ye are in the service of your fellow beings, ye are
in the service of your God' Mosiah 2:17
more can I say than, "I LOVE Zone Meetings". We met Friday morning and
this was our first meeting after transfers. Some of our dear Elders and
Sisters were gone and new ones that arrived will become just as dear to
us as we will learn to serve and love them. I say these words every
time we meet at our District or Zone meetings but I continue to just be
amazed at the ability of these young men, and sisters, to teach and
train and motivate all in the District to go and do and accomplish all
He needs us to do!. We were taught of "Righteous Routines" we
participate in daily. These help us achieve our High Expectations. Our
dear group of young Elders and Sisters in our Zone had set a goal of
baptizing 26 people in December. During this meeting, after going to
our Individual Districts, we returned and the new Goal set was 64. This
is Incredible!!! Our Zone has led the Washington Seattle Mission
forever and our Sweet Sister McBride spoke to us and told us..."We can
do it" with just as much power and authority as Elder Seppi and Elder
Gardner, our Zone Leaders. Please keep our mission in your prayers, in
fact, please remember to pray for all the missionaries. We have been
called to Hasten the work and the time is clicking away. We need your
faith and prayers as we join together in the Harvest of Souls for our
Heavenly Father!!
We just returned from
another day of working hard...teaching, walking, delivering bread from
the Bread Bank, service project at the Stake Center, visiting Brother
Grenniger and Brother Treadwell, stopping at our apartment for 1/2 hour
and then picking up Mah's for our Christmas Ward Party. Saw Brother John
Hyde who lived in the Sharon 2nd Ward and now attends another ward in
our building and it is good to see him!! Sometimes I wonder where
Sister Carter and I get the energy to keep going and doing. No I don't,
because I know my Heavenly Father needs us to do this work while we are
here...and time is running out. I know He knows me! I know He knows
and loves my children and provides untold blessings in their lives.
With all I have, how can I not "serve Him with all my heart, might,
mind and strength".
Thanks again for all your notes and letters and for the love you show me and my family.
Thanks to those of you who were so good to my Mom last week and during Thanksgiving Holiday.
Thanks to my family for loving each other and for serving each other.
Thank my Heavenly Father for my testimony of Jesus Christ, who is the
Savior and Redeemer of the World. I am extremely thankful for the Book
of Mormon and for the truths therein.
May God
with each of you and bless you this week. Take time to look for
Miracles in your lives and to record them so you don't forget the power
of small and simple things!
Love to all,
Sister Frame
P.S. Just wanted to let all of you know. Our incredible neighbors who live
next door and share the same walls just moved out....they have rats!!!!
Oh, I would die if they came into our apartment. I am not even kidding
you!!! Our landlords were unable to catch them and acted rather
casual about it so our friends moved!!! I certainly hope they don't
chew through the wall. If you receive a call that I have had a 'heart
attack' never wonder why.
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