Saturday, February 22, 2014
"Because of our Choices to serve missions, our families are blessed!"
These are the words from Sister Choi at a Senior Missionary Training held on Mercer Island at Pres. and Sister Choi's home. There were 20 of us in attendance and all were couples except six of us. She finished this quote with another sentence: "How can each of do better to help our families be strong in the Gospel?....Be on a mission!! Anyway, this was a beautiful few hours together and it is a privilege to rub shoulders with such fine people. Of this group our Home Teachers are Brother and Sister Allen from Colorado Spring, Colorado and we just love them very much.
Sister Carter and I are trying to be more obedient in all we do. This Tuesday evening it was extremely cold and rainy and we really want to go home at a little after 6 :00 but we are taught the best hours are 5-7 to be out to find the people so we decided to go to two more homes. You have to remember that these two 'ole ladies' do not HAVE to do everything the Elders and Sisters do but we certainly do want to do all we are capable of to prove to Father that we are willing to go the extra mile. We went to the home of Thaun on Military Road. We have been to her home about 10 time and only visited once as she was leaving to go to work and she had no time to visit so this was a great visit...for us and also for her. She needed to see us. She hasn't been to church for about seven years and she is a member. We just needed to remind her of the love she had for the church when she was baptized. All three of us felt the spirit and we hope and pray she will choose to come. Her family is Buddhist and lives close by so this make the decision a hard one for her.
Then we went to see Patrick, where we have been eight times and he was never home. Finally the door opened. This gentleman had lived in the apartment for 6 months and he was not "Patrick". He was Buddhist and was not interested in the church, now those records will be sent to SLC and hopefully taken off the Ward Directory.
We went on another 'bread run' Tuesday...(yes, we usually go 2 times a week...Elder Seppi, our Zone Leader, needs 'gluten free bread' and we can almost always find it for him. We leave it at the church and when he goes to the church he picks it up. It is a great exchange and we are glad we can help all the Elders with their bread needs). This day we also went to see Jack (80) and Willey.Jack loves to have us come and we visit and give them a message, sing a song and have prayer. Today as we sang "Teach Me to Walk" Willey was standing behind his dad and the tears started to flow! What a tender moment. Yes, he is a member but has had a very tough life with drugs and alcohol and jails, etc. so when he allows the Spirit to come into his heart it is wonderful for him to feel the truthfulness of the words that we sang. You are probably amazed at the number of times I share the experiences we have with the simple songs Sister Carter/Sister Frame sing all over this area. Pres. Choi tells us to 'sing, sing, sing' and we really are trying to be His instruments to share the Love of Christ.
We went to Vicki's apartment and packed up books for 2 hours. Oh my! The packing was not so bad but the 'wisdom departed' when I lifted the 8 boxes (paper size from staples with at least 40+ books in each box) onto the rolling cart and then Sister Carter and I lifted them into the trunk of her car and in the back seat. What in the world were we thinking? Then probably 2 minutes later as we were visiting with Vicki, our dear Elder Anderson and Elder Kendall came out of an apartment and wanted to know if they could do anything for us. Are you kidding me? We both have tender backs but the service is an incredible part of our missions and we love doing it.
Thursday night we went to the church for a Ward Missionary Coordination Meeting. As the 6 missionaries in our ward meet with the Ward Mission Leader and some of the Ward Missionaries that have been called by the Bishop, some excellent plans are made for those people all of us are working with...who will pick up those without car, who will go visit some during the week, who will teach New Member Lessons to those newly baptized, how to help those that are slipping that have been baptized and whatever needs to be discussed. This is a great meeting. As we left our Zone Leader Elder Seppi and his new Companion, Elder Pfister came 'hurrying' down the hall with such excitement. One of their investigators had just completed a 72 hour fast and the Elders had completed a 24 hour fast for here and 'she wanted to be baptized because she knew the church was true"!!! These Elders were beyond happy! God does hear and answer our prayers and He knows his Children!
We went to see Marlene and I am just so blessed to know her! She is in a Care Giving Home because he husband (both are 80) just can't lift her anymore. She is paralyzed from her mid-section down and confined in a LARGE wheelchair whenever not in bed. We visit her about every 3 week and give her a message from the ipad and also play music for her. This makes her incredibly happy!!! We love visiting with her and I continue to be blessed to see people who do not have 'everything' are some of the happiest people I know. What a blessing to be reminded of those things that matter most! We left her home 'more than appreciative' for the privilege of rubbing shoulders with her. Then we went to Smith's trailer with Nancy. They had called earlier, we had an appointment to go sing with them, because they wanted us to brings someone they could share their testimonies with. Yes, she is 93 and he is 91 and this is called 'Enduring to the End' So we went. Nancy was baptized on June 14 and has only come back to church a few times. She made a commitment that she would come this year and never miss and she has completed her desires 100% and we are so happy for her. She has had a hard life and finds it very hard to trust people so this experience was just the best for all involved. We now have a standing invitation for all five of us to be together Friday's at 4 and sing and sing and sing!!
FHE on Monday Evening was just really fun! All took treats and we watched the movie, "Second Hand Lions". It was just so delightful, in fact Sister Carter almost fell off her seat she laughed so hard. All of you need to get one and take 1 1/2 hours and sit down and enjoy the time with your families.
Tuesday Morning we had District Meeting. It was just the best! Elder Searing does an excellent job and his humility speaks so loudly we hear even more than he says. The main message was the Importance of having Investigators and Less-actives come to church. In fact, all of us need to make sure we go to church. CPR is vital to spiritual, prayer and reading the B of M.
front row: Elders Searing DL, Grogitsky, Stringham Zone Leader and Elder Ibarra
back row: Elder Seppi Zone Leader, Sis. Carter, Elder Pfister, Sis Frame
Sisters Boyce and McBride, Elders Chadwich and Griffiths.
It is time to go to the Stake Valentines Dance and meet a part-member family so I must go.
Thanks for your love and friendship and pictures that come from home and for so, so much.
This is just an incredible blessing and I feel it a privilege to serve on this Mission.
I know my Father lives and that He loves me and you and all His children.
May God be with you and bless you this week in all you do....and take time to look for the miracles and to record them!
Love to all of you,
Sister Frame
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Miracles continue....through the rain and the wind!
Well, Hello to everyone! I have no idea where the time goes in a week or a day, but I am behind this day in even getting my letter written for my blog plus the Weekly Report needs to be sent to President Miller. Our Home Teachers, Elder and Sister Allen came to visit us this afternoon. He is in charge of Finances, phones and Housing in the Mission and Sister Allen is the main secretary in the Mission Office. Yes, they are very busy and involved workers. Also, in the Washington-Seattle Mission those in the office, who work on the missionaries p-day, are required to "Find and Teach" on Thursdays so they are even more busy. We just love them and they appreciate the work they do.
I would like to share a very simple miracle. Our Pipkin family are just the best and most incredible people!! We have eaten dinner at their home 2 times on either Sunday or Monday.The Elders have also eaten also and they asked our Zone Leaders about eating with them. This family lives out of the Ward boundaries but have received permission from our Bishop and also the Stake President to attend the Seatac Ward. Her parents and also a sister and her husband are also in our ward. Anyway, our Zone Leaders told the Elders they could not eat at the home of anyone outside of the Ward Boundaries. Sunday we called their home and explained the rule about eating outside ward boundaries and Sister Pipkin did understand. However, Monday she called and said she would deliver the food to our apartment and also to the Elders Apartments. She commented that they could not afford to lose the blessings of Feeding the Missionaries. I just admire that kind of faith from people that don't have the material items of the world, but have the faith they will be blessed if they feed the missionaries!! Can you Believe that?
The week before last was just incredible and it seemed that after all we could do, Heavenly Father would bless us with more miracles! Well, this week seemed just the opposite. When we went to appointments some of the people were not there, some people just seemed to disappear off the face of the earth, and some would not answer their door. Will we get discouraged? No we will not! I think that is why companionship's are so important in this missionaries, as marriage partners, as friends or associates. When I would tend to think we just were not doing our job, Sister Carter would comment about the importance of agency. When she got discouraged, I would laugh and remind her of one of our fun experiences. Basically what I am saying is 'that we had each other's back...we supported and lifted and encouraged each other." Do you remember the song, "No Man is an island and No Man stands alone...each man's joy is joy to me, each man's grief is my own." I can't remember the rest but I do know the value of the person who stands by our side and, even when Jerry is gone, I have felt a friend or a child or a neighbor encouraging and lifting me and I am so thankful for all of you!
Dick and Annabelle invited us to a lunch with 2 non-members. Irene came and also Dick's Banker from Chase Bank. Dick had asked him many times to come and 'Meet the Sisters". Mario was such a great sport. He is about 27 years, very handsome and the most polite and kind young man. He treated these 'old people' he was eating lunch with, who are 88, 83, 78, 73 and 68, just like we were his age. It is good to see that civility and kindness are still a part of today's world.
We continue to sing weekly with The Smiths, in fact we sang so long that Brother Smith said, "I am just sung out". I am a nervous wreck singing with Sister Smith listening with her perfect pitch. I want you to know I stand farther from Brother Smith, sing softer and try so much harder to make a better sound. Sister Smith said the sounds were much better this week. Oh dear!!!
Bishop meets weekly with the six missionaries in our ward. I just have no idea how he finds the time to do it but he wants to personally know what is happening in the ward and he wants to get to know the missionaries personally. He is such a fine man!! We meet in our Clubhouse because it is closer for the Elders as they have no car and the bus stops just 300 feet from our building.
Thursday morning Brother and Sister Ross, who were missionaries in our mission stopped so they could leave some supplies and a car seat with us for a daughter who is coming to town on the 25th. They are just the most incredible people and we loved laughing and talking of common Elders we know who have gone home and so many more things. It was just one of the best hours we have enjoyed.
Friday was Zone Meeting in Normandy Park. This is a meeting house we have never been to and I know I say these words over and over but I continue to totally be amazed at the example and attitude and testimony of Elders Seppi and Elder Stringham and all our Missionaries. They just are so awesome. Yes, they are young but you just can't believe their spirits. However, the Sisters do just as well. Sister McBride spent time teaching us about "Reporting Correctly'. She really did an excellent job.
We were taught to think right, act right and talk right and we were also taught the power of a Positive Attitude. We were directed to Preach My Gospel and about working hard, diligence and discouragement... (and how it will bring us down) I could go on and on about the meeting but I will not. I just want you to know the value of 'filling our buckets' and being able to draw from it when we are called to represent Jesus Christ, whether it be at home in everyday life or in the mission field.
Saturday morning we went to temple and I am so consumed by the teachings in that Holy House. I love to go there and I love to learn. I am extremely thankful our mission has a temple and that Seniors are allowed to go when they feel they need to go.
I want all of you to know I love my Savior, Jesus Christ. I have been studying the talk by Elder Tab R. Callister, "What is the Blueprint of Christ's Church" and I just love the simple words that strengthen my Testimony.
I am so thankful for Joseph Smith and for the words of truth in the Book of Mormon.
Hope all of you had a wonderful week!
May God be with each of you and bless you and take time to look for the miracles in your lives.
Love to all of you, Sister Frame
I would like to share a very simple miracle. Our Pipkin family are just the best and most incredible people!! We have eaten dinner at their home 2 times on either Sunday or Monday.The Elders have also eaten also and they asked our Zone Leaders about eating with them. This family lives out of the Ward boundaries but have received permission from our Bishop and also the Stake President to attend the Seatac Ward. Her parents and also a sister and her husband are also in our ward. Anyway, our Zone Leaders told the Elders they could not eat at the home of anyone outside of the Ward Boundaries. Sunday we called their home and explained the rule about eating outside ward boundaries and Sister Pipkin did understand. However, Monday she called and said she would deliver the food to our apartment and also to the Elders Apartments. She commented that they could not afford to lose the blessings of Feeding the Missionaries. I just admire that kind of faith from people that don't have the material items of the world, but have the faith they will be blessed if they feed the missionaries!! Can you Believe that?
The week before last was just incredible and it seemed that after all we could do, Heavenly Father would bless us with more miracles! Well, this week seemed just the opposite. When we went to appointments some of the people were not there, some people just seemed to disappear off the face of the earth, and some would not answer their door. Will we get discouraged? No we will not! I think that is why companionship's are so important in this missionaries, as marriage partners, as friends or associates. When I would tend to think we just were not doing our job, Sister Carter would comment about the importance of agency. When she got discouraged, I would laugh and remind her of one of our fun experiences. Basically what I am saying is 'that we had each other's back...we supported and lifted and encouraged each other." Do you remember the song, "No Man is an island and No Man stands alone...each man's joy is joy to me, each man's grief is my own." I can't remember the rest but I do know the value of the person who stands by our side and, even when Jerry is gone, I have felt a friend or a child or a neighbor encouraging and lifting me and I am so thankful for all of you!
Dick and Annabelle invited us to a lunch with 2 non-members. Irene came and also Dick's Banker from Chase Bank. Dick had asked him many times to come and 'Meet the Sisters". Mario was such a great sport. He is about 27 years, very handsome and the most polite and kind young man. He treated these 'old people' he was eating lunch with, who are 88, 83, 78, 73 and 68, just like we were his age. It is good to see that civility and kindness are still a part of today's world.
We continue to sing weekly with The Smiths, in fact we sang so long that Brother Smith said, "I am just sung out". I am a nervous wreck singing with Sister Smith listening with her perfect pitch. I want you to know I stand farther from Brother Smith, sing softer and try so much harder to make a better sound. Sister Smith said the sounds were much better this week. Oh dear!!!
Bishop meets weekly with the six missionaries in our ward. I just have no idea how he finds the time to do it but he wants to personally know what is happening in the ward and he wants to get to know the missionaries personally. He is such a fine man!! We meet in our Clubhouse because it is closer for the Elders as they have no car and the bus stops just 300 feet from our building.
Thursday morning Brother and Sister Ross, who were missionaries in our mission stopped so they could leave some supplies and a car seat with us for a daughter who is coming to town on the 25th. They are just the most incredible people and we loved laughing and talking of common Elders we know who have gone home and so many more things. It was just one of the best hours we have enjoyed.
Friday was Zone Meeting in Normandy Park. This is a meeting house we have never been to and I know I say these words over and over but I continue to totally be amazed at the example and attitude and testimony of Elders Seppi and Elder Stringham and all our Missionaries. They just are so awesome. Yes, they are young but you just can't believe their spirits. However, the Sisters do just as well. Sister McBride spent time teaching us about "Reporting Correctly'. She really did an excellent job.
We were taught to think right, act right and talk right and we were also taught the power of a Positive Attitude. We were directed to Preach My Gospel and about working hard, diligence and discouragement... (and how it will bring us down) I could go on and on about the meeting but I will not. I just want you to know the value of 'filling our buckets' and being able to draw from it when we are called to represent Jesus Christ, whether it be at home in everyday life or in the mission field.
Saturday morning we went to temple and I am so consumed by the teachings in that Holy House. I love to go there and I love to learn. I am extremely thankful our mission has a temple and that Seniors are allowed to go when they feel they need to go.
May God be with each of you and bless you and take time to look for the miracles in your lives.
Love to all of you, Sister Frame
Sunday, February 9, 2014
"The Best Never Rest!"
I was reading some of my older Journal entries and I found this note by Elder Birati at Zone Meeting on Aug 9, 2013.... "The Best Never Rest!". I just loved the thought it imprinted into my mind of the value of working hard and never stopping. And that is just what a mission is about...and so is life. To just keep going and serving and doing good things and making good and powerful decisions. Acts 10:38 says "Jesus went about doing good" and in Phillippians 2:7 it tells us that during His mortal ministry, the Savior "took upon him the form of a servant". We all need to follow our Savior and be consistent in our efforts to serve and love and realize "The Best Never Rest!"
This has just been the best of weeks and we feel as we have worked hard and tried to be obedient and very sincerely pray for unity, we have been blessed with great strength to bless the lives of other people. The most marvelous happening is that we had 30 less-active and new investigators attend church on Sunday, Feb 2, 2014...the same day as the Superbowl. Our meeting, as all of yours, was Testimony Meeting and the Sprit was strong and powerful and we feel that all of us in attendance were certainly taught from on high.
We have talked that we need to start walking more and because the weather is cold or wet we decided to go to the church and walk the halls and the cultural hall for 1/2 hour. Let me tell you what...this ole body of mine does not even move the nights we do the walking. When I am horizontal it takes about 42 seconds to go to sleep...and I love it.
Well, the blessings of this week are many. We have been visiting a lady named Doris, who lives in Bow Lake, for just about a year. When we first met her she was critically ill and her legs were so swollen the skin had split vertically and were infected. She weighed over 300 lbs and we all figured she would pass away. We could not visit in the hospital because we were not family. Well, it is now a year later, she has lost over 70+ lbs. with no help from a doctor or pills, is doing so well and after another invite from us to come to church she has finally decided to come. We are very happy for her and will pick her up tomorrow.
We had been to the home of a family that live near 56th Ave on three different occasions. They are members of the church but have never come. Today we had to cross the freeway to visit some other investigators and at the last minute decided to go see them again. This time Lailan was outside cleaning her car...and it was freezing!. Her family is Tongan. Her husband has seen the card we left 1 1/2 weeks ago and she said he printed on his Facebook..."Two Angels came to our home to day and we missed them and I am so sad". Yes, we were very surprised and as we invited her and her family of 5 to church she said they really had wanted to start coming but just never did do it. Then we tell her church starts at 1:00, they can still sleep in and then come to church. Really, she seemed a bit excited, in fact saying her husband usually is saying, "Let's go to Church". We were surprised to hear her speak of her husband because his name is not on the Ward Directory. She told us he and his brothers were baptized in Tonga and it has happened before that the records have been lost. So, we will see what we can do. Yes, they say they are coming to church tomorrow and we are praying they come. Please remember to keep all these people in your prayers. There are thousands that the Missionaries are working with all over the world that need the faith and the prayers of the members in behalf of those they have found and are teaching and those they are rescuing and reminding.
Today we went to Ed's apartment, who is a less-active member. After visiting for a few minutes we invited him to church. At first he told us he did not want to come, telling us he was shy, has done some things wrong, has not paid tithes for a few years and he has no clothes. And we said, "So what! Start right now and make some changes in your life. Please come to church tomorrow and we will save a seat for you, dress how you will feel comfortable and you will love what you feel and we will be so glad you are there!" He proceeded to tell us of his baptism as a teenager because of a great friend. He attended Seminary every morning at 6:00am, never missing. He lived as he had been taught to live. Then he joined the Military and still continued to live the LDS lifestyle he loved, knowing the opposite activity was not an option to be considered. Somewhere between the military and now he just stopped coming. When he moved to this area a few years ago he contacted the Bishop with his information because he wanted to make some changes and come back to church. However he did not come back. So, today these "Two Ole Sisters" helped him feel the Love of Jesus Christ and the Power of The Atonement through the Power of the Holy Ghost. Ed's countenance changed right before our eyes and his voice and attitude changed also. He sounds like he really wants to make some different choices in his life and come back to church....and he did come!!
Friday morning we attended the Seattle Temple and just loved that experience very much. I think I have said this temple reminds me, in the inside, of the Provo Temple. However, instead of walls that softly curve like the Provo Temple interior, the Seattle Temple has square walls. The Endowment Room is the same and I just feel so comfortable. I often look across the aisle, as I did so any years ago, hoping I can see Jerry but I can't see him...just think a great about him. We feel it such a privilege to live in a mission with a temple to be able to go to the temple a couple of times a month while serving a mission.
Sunday morning we woke to this:
A world of Whiteness....about 3 inches of snow. All meetings in the 9 and 11 times are cancelled. Our 1:00 block with have just Sacrament Meeting. I am speaking on "The Blessings of the Temple". Probably no one will be there because their snow is so wet and icy and they say dangerous. Irene invited us to lunch after church. This will be a laid-back day because these "Two Ole Sisters" are not going walking and take a chance on falling.
What more can I say..."I love this work and I am just so amazed at the many, many blessing that are given to the people in this SeaTac Ward of the WA-SEA Mission. Lives are changing and growth is happening to so many people." I am trying not to rest too much because we want our work to bring about the best!! Thank you so much for your notes and letters and love, especially those from my Grandchildren write and for the many prayers they say for me!!!!
May God be with all of you and bless you this week and please take time to look for the Miracles in your lives and to record them. Love to all of you, Sister Frame
P.S. Sister Carter gave me this number to 'Stop Cellphone calls from local/international callers for 5 years." 1-888-382-1222 just in case you're interested.
This has just been the best of weeks and we feel as we have worked hard and tried to be obedient and very sincerely pray for unity, we have been blessed with great strength to bless the lives of other people. The most marvelous happening is that we had 30 less-active and new investigators attend church on Sunday, Feb 2, 2014...the same day as the Superbowl. Our meeting, as all of yours, was Testimony Meeting and the Sprit was strong and powerful and we feel that all of us in attendance were certainly taught from on high.
Well, the blessings of this week are many. We have been visiting a lady named Doris, who lives in Bow Lake, for just about a year. When we first met her she was critically ill and her legs were so swollen the skin had split vertically and were infected. She weighed over 300 lbs and we all figured she would pass away. We could not visit in the hospital because we were not family. Well, it is now a year later, she has lost over 70+ lbs. with no help from a doctor or pills, is doing so well and after another invite from us to come to church she has finally decided to come. We are very happy for her and will pick her up tomorrow.
We had been to the home of a family that live near 56th Ave on three different occasions. They are members of the church but have never come. Today we had to cross the freeway to visit some other investigators and at the last minute decided to go see them again. This time Lailan was outside cleaning her car...and it was freezing!. Her family is Tongan. Her husband has seen the card we left 1 1/2 weeks ago and she said he printed on his Facebook..."Two Angels came to our home to day and we missed them and I am so sad". Yes, we were very surprised and as we invited her and her family of 5 to church she said they really had wanted to start coming but just never did do it. Then we tell her church starts at 1:00, they can still sleep in and then come to church. Really, she seemed a bit excited, in fact saying her husband usually is saying, "Let's go to Church". We were surprised to hear her speak of her husband because his name is not on the Ward Directory. She told us he and his brothers were baptized in Tonga and it has happened before that the records have been lost. So, we will see what we can do. Yes, they say they are coming to church tomorrow and we are praying they come. Please remember to keep all these people in your prayers. There are thousands that the Missionaries are working with all over the world that need the faith and the prayers of the members in behalf of those they have found and are teaching and those they are rescuing and reminding.
Today we went to Ed's apartment, who is a less-active member. After visiting for a few minutes we invited him to church. At first he told us he did not want to come, telling us he was shy, has done some things wrong, has not paid tithes for a few years and he has no clothes. And we said, "So what! Start right now and make some changes in your life. Please come to church tomorrow and we will save a seat for you, dress how you will feel comfortable and you will love what you feel and we will be so glad you are there!" He proceeded to tell us of his baptism as a teenager because of a great friend. He attended Seminary every morning at 6:00am, never missing. He lived as he had been taught to live. Then he joined the Military and still continued to live the LDS lifestyle he loved, knowing the opposite activity was not an option to be considered. Somewhere between the military and now he just stopped coming. When he moved to this area a few years ago he contacted the Bishop with his information because he wanted to make some changes and come back to church. However he did not come back. So, today these "Two Ole Sisters" helped him feel the Love of Jesus Christ and the Power of The Atonement through the Power of the Holy Ghost. Ed's countenance changed right before our eyes and his voice and attitude changed also. He sounds like he really wants to make some different choices in his life and come back to church....and he did come!!
Friday morning we attended the Seattle Temple and just loved that experience very much. I think I have said this temple reminds me, in the inside, of the Provo Temple. However, instead of walls that softly curve like the Provo Temple interior, the Seattle Temple has square walls. The Endowment Room is the same and I just feel so comfortable. I often look across the aisle, as I did so any years ago, hoping I can see Jerry but I can't see him...just think a great about him. We feel it such a privilege to live in a mission with a temple to be able to go to the temple a couple of times a month while serving a mission.
Sunday morning we woke to this:
A world of Whiteness....about 3 inches of snow. All meetings in the 9 and 11 times are cancelled. Our 1:00 block with have just Sacrament Meeting. I am speaking on "The Blessings of the Temple". Probably no one will be there because their snow is so wet and icy and they say dangerous. Irene invited us to lunch after church. This will be a laid-back day because these "Two Ole Sisters" are not going walking and take a chance on falling.
What more can I say..."I love this work and I am just so amazed at the many, many blessing that are given to the people in this SeaTac Ward of the WA-SEA Mission. Lives are changing and growth is happening to so many people." I am trying not to rest too much because we want our work to bring about the best!! Thank you so much for your notes and letters and love, especially those from my Grandchildren write and for the many prayers they say for me!!!!
May God be with all of you and bless you this week and please take time to look for the Miracles in your lives and to record them. Love to all of you, Sister Frame
P.S. Sister Carter gave me this number to 'Stop Cellphone calls from local/international callers for 5 years." 1-888-382-1222 just in case you're interested.
Sunday, February 2, 2014
The SEATTLE SEAHAWKS are in the Superbowl... I live in Seattle...and didn't even know the odds of who would win!!!
Can You believe a Frame sports fan not knowing that information?
Last Sunday we drove to 194th about 11:00am to visit four new members before church and the streets from 200th to 176th were PACKED with cars, people walking dressed in SeaHawk clothes and garb, flags waving and we wondered what was happening. So we asked someone out our window, "Are you Kidding me?" he said, "the SeaHawks just flew out to New York and there were 30,000 people at the airport near these streets. And we thought, "Are you kidding me right now!" We were amazed at the number of people and our lack of what was going on!
Sunday was a beautiful day and that evening we send our #'s to Pres. Miller. We had 94 contacts, 42 members, 52 non-members, 2 Spanish Referrals, 2 service hours and 19 at church. So, that is basically what we do with our time. It can be a bit discouraging with no positive investigators and church attendance down but that is what happens sometimes and next week will be better. Sunday we had dinner with Engdahl's and Lizzy; Monday we and Elders Anderson/Kendall ate at Pipkins. We love these experiences so we can go into the homes of the people.
P-day this week had no thrills or excitement. We cleaned and washed. I was 'Crowned' Queen for the day at my dental appointment...and that does not come cheap. Sister Carter also had an appointment but her's was not nearly as expensive as mine.
Another trip to the "Bread Bank" filled the back of my little CRV. Our Zone Leader Elder Seppi can have no gluten so we get him about 6 loaves or 'gluten free' bread and also get his companion, Elder Webb a couple of loaves. We went to visit Tamara and saw such a beautiful Burmese family and offered them some bread from our car. They were glad to get as much bread as they wanted and are interested in hearing about the church. We will go back Tues with Esther because she and they both speak Chin. We met another gentlemen as we were looking for a less-active lady. She had moved from the home and he now lives there. He is a retired Attorney living in a BEAUTIFUL home on Angle Lake, says he knows about Mormons and yes, we can come back and teach him more. Also, we met a new member, Jeanne and when when we told her of the 1:00 Sacrament Meeting time she seemed more interested in coming and said she would be there.
Sister Floyd, our Bishop's wife, asked us to come Thursday evening this week for supper. Bishop was out of town and she said, "I don't know really why I am inviting you to dinner but I just want to have you come". We graciously accepted. Sister Boyd, her non-member mom whom we love and her son Steve were also there. We had a wonderful meal, a message, a song and a prayer and as we left Sister Floyd followed us outside. She had received some negative results from a medical test and Bishop was not home. Not wanting to worry her mom or son without more information, she realized why she had invited us to she could talk with someone. I love to experience these sweet and incredible Miracles.
We continue to visit members (usually less-active) that need to be reminded of their Heavenly Father's love. This week some of those visited were P.J., Tsega, Smith's, Mah's, Betty, Roberta, Kathleen and Conrad, Esther, Sandi, Jack and Willey. I really know that none of us can receive too much love and it is such a pleasure to share time with these dear people.
We went to Koya's home for our 1st lesson and she had been detained at work. We visited with Marcello, her 17 year old basketball playing son at Tyee High School. He was such a polite young man and we are excited to go back this coming week.
The Highlight of the week was Zone Conference. I love these meetings...being in our seats @ 8:30 to sing for 1/2 hour, meeting starting at 9:00, lunch from 12-1 and then meetings until 4:30. We were home at 5:30. Yes, we were exhausted but it really is worth it. During our lunch break Pres. Choi interviewed me for a new Temple Recommend. What a privilege to be interviewed by a General Authority and my Mission President. This recommend has no bishop of stake president signature. The Themes Pres. Choi always speaks of are High Expectations and Obedience. He teaches us that as we set these expectations higher, we look higher and practice all we do with a greater desire to be a better missionary. We work harder, study harder and accomplish much more. If we do not reach the expectation, we are not the losers because we have grown and become better in the process...and it is a process! But through the process of High Expectations we think and act differently. He reminds us continually that obedience is the First Commandment of God and we will be blessed for the choices we make to Follow our Father and Jesus Christ.
MIRACLE OF THE DAY!! We went on our "bread run' to a trailer park where we went last week. It is fun because about 8-9 children came out of very humble mobile homes and were excited to get some bread to take home. Last week two mothers came out also and we visited for a minute, no church mentioned. This afternoon some of the same children came out and wanted bread. The one adorable girl, about 7-8 said her mother wanted our business card. I told her we were Missionaries and I gave her our card and also a pass-a-long card. He mother came a few minutes later...then dad came with the baby and also another son. Long story short....they are coming to church tomorrow. Edith wants to make religious changes in the lives of her family and so does her husband Alex. The children are so excited to come. And guess what....Sister Carter/Sister Frame are even more excited for all of them!! We went to the trailer court at this time when dad had just gotten home from work because we missed the road we were looking for and decide to change out route. Small and simple mean bring about great events!! (**Sunday update:** The WHOLE family came to church today and thoroughly enjoyed it, we couldn't have been happier for them)
I think I have run out of space but I am so excited to be doing this work!!
I Love the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Restoration of this Gospel!!!
I LOVE the Book of Mormon and the truths it teaches and I know that Joseph Smith was a Prophet of God in these Latter-days!!
I am so indebted to my Heavenly Father for all he blesses me with. I experiences so many marvelous happenings each day and I can't express enough gratitude. Thanks to all of you for your prayers, your notes and letters. Please take time to recognize the miracles in your lives and to write them down.
Love to all of you, Sister Frame
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