I would like to share a very simple miracle. Our Pipkin family are just the best and most incredible people!! We have eaten dinner at their home 2 times on either Sunday or Monday.The Elders have also eaten also and they asked our Zone Leaders about eating with them. This family lives out of the Ward boundaries but have received permission from our Bishop and also the Stake President to attend the Seatac Ward. Her parents and also a sister and her husband are also in our ward. Anyway, our Zone Leaders told the Elders they could not eat at the home of anyone outside of the Ward Boundaries. Sunday we called their home and explained the rule about eating outside ward boundaries and Sister Pipkin did understand. However, Monday she called and said she would deliver the food to our apartment and also to the Elders Apartments. She commented that they could not afford to lose the blessings of Feeding the Missionaries. I just admire that kind of faith from people that don't have the material items of the world, but have the faith they will be blessed if they feed the missionaries!! Can you Believe that?
The week before last was just incredible and it seemed that after all we could do, Heavenly Father would bless us with more miracles! Well, this week seemed just the opposite. When we went to appointments some of the people were not there, some people just seemed to disappear off the face of the earth, and some would not answer their door. Will we get discouraged? No we will not! I think that is why companionship's are so important in this life...as missionaries, as marriage partners, as friends or associates. When I would tend to think we just were not doing our job, Sister Carter would comment about the importance of agency. When she got discouraged, I would laugh and remind her of one of our fun experiences. Basically what I am saying is 'that we had each other's back...we supported and lifted and encouraged each other." Do you remember the song, "No Man is an island and No Man stands alone...each man's joy is joy to me, each man's grief is my own." I can't remember the rest but I do know the value of the person who stands by our side and, even when Jerry is gone, I have felt a friend or a child or a neighbor encouraging and lifting me and I am so thankful for all of you!
Dick and Annabelle invited us to a lunch with 2 non-members. Irene came and also Dick's Banker from Chase Bank. Dick had asked him many times to come and 'Meet the Sisters". Mario was such a great sport. He is about 27 years, very handsome and the most polite and kind young man. He treated these 'old people' he was eating lunch with, who are 88, 83, 78, 73 and 68, just like we were his age. It is good to see that civility and kindness are still a part of today's world.
We continue to sing weekly with The Smiths, in fact we sang so long that Brother Smith said, "I am just sung out". I am a nervous wreck singing with Sister Smith listening with her perfect pitch. I want you to know I stand farther from Brother Smith, sing softer and try so much harder to make a better sound. Sister Smith said the sounds were much better this week. Oh dear!!!
Bishop meets weekly with the six missionaries in our ward. I just have no idea how he finds the time to do it but he wants to personally know what is happening in the ward and he wants to get to know the missionaries personally. He is such a fine man!! We meet in our Clubhouse because it is closer for the Elders as they have no car and the bus stops just 300 feet from our building.
Thursday morning Brother and Sister Ross, who were missionaries in our mission stopped so they could leave some supplies and a car seat with us for a daughter who is coming to town on the 25th. They are just the most incredible people and we loved laughing and talking of common Elders we know who have gone home and so many more things. It was just one of the best hours we have enjoyed.
Friday was Zone Meeting in Normandy Park. This is a meeting house we have never been to and I know I say these words over and over but I continue to totally be amazed at the example and attitude and testimony of Elders Seppi and Elder Stringham and all our Missionaries. They just are so awesome. Yes, they are young but you just can't believe their spirits. However, the Sisters do just as well. Sister McBride spent time teaching us about "Reporting Correctly'. She really did an excellent job.
We were taught to think right, act right and talk right and we were also taught the power of a Positive Attitude. We were directed to Preach My Gospel and about working hard, diligence and discouragement... (and how it will bring us down) I could go on and on about the meeting but I will not. I just want you to know the value of 'filling our buckets' and being able to draw from it when we are called to represent Jesus Christ, whether it be at home in everyday life or in the mission field.
Saturday morning we went to temple and I am so consumed by the teachings in that Holy House. I love to go there and I love to learn. I am extremely thankful our mission has a temple and that Seniors are allowed to go when they feel they need to go.
May God be with each of you and bless you and take time to look for the miracles in your lives.
Love to all of you, Sister Frame
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