Saturday, May 3, 2014

"The Process of Becoming...."

"When I was a child I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things."  This council from our Zone Leader, Elder Webb,   reminds all of us that we need to have a vision of whom we want to be and with the power of repentance, become that person and  live with no regrets!  We need to set our expectations high and reach and study and grow to achieve our vision.  We were taught and reminded of the importance of our attitude and how it affects what we learn and how we use the learning.  As I sat in the High Council Room in our Stake Center I was just amazed at the power of the young Elders and Sisters that were in the room and their humble testimonies.  The Spirit of our Heavenly Father was so strong in this gathering and  I will be eternally thankful for the example of these young people, for the privilege of rubbing shoulders with them and for being taught at 'their feet'.  All of you would be just amazed at what these future leaders of the Church are like as they serve The Lord in this Washington Seattle Mission.

We had no large adventure in the AM of P-day but did the usual cleaning, shopping, chasing and also had the oil changed in the car.  We went to Costco to see if they could teach us both how to 'download' the pictures we have on our phones and my ipad...but I guess we will both wait to go home and have our  'techi children or grandchildren' do it for us.  We left at 5:00 for our last Senior Missionary FHE in the Washington Seattle Mission...for us.  There were about 30+ of us in attendance; the food was delicious (of course), a lesson was taught by Elder & Sister Bingham from Utah.  It was fun, a bit competitive and we learned some bible facts.  Sister Carter and I were called on to bear our testimonies because that was our last meeting with them  The next FHE is on July 21, 2014...and we will be home.  Really, it is kinda sad...wanting to be home and in Seattle at the same time.

To give you a idea of what our life continues to be like, last week we visited a total of 68 people....47 were members and 21 were non-members and we love EVERY minute of what we are doing.  Really, we do!!  There were only 19 in attendance to Sacrament Meeting and that makes our hearts sad....but I guess this life is about choices and we can't force or coerce any man to do anything against his will.  It just makes us sad.  But, the glorious part about the work it that baptisms continue to happen in all areas of the mission with a goal of 1663 in 2014.  And yes, I do have the faith that this High Expectation can be accomplished!

Tuesday we loved visiting with Janette, Karen, Roberta, Dorothy, Janice, Barbara, The Smiths and The Mendenhalls.  We have been singing "A Child's Prayer" for the past 2-3 weeks;  we always sing with the ipad and this week one of the sweet people we visited told us we really had improved in our singing and we were really quite good.  Now, I didn't know if that was a compliment or what...but at least we have improved and that is what life is all about.

Wednesday after a busy day we had Ward Coordination Meeting with our Ward Mission Leader, Brother Schaat and all six of the missionaries in our Ward.  We hold this meeting in our Clubhouse because the Elders walk and it takes them too long on the bus to get to the church.   We asked one of the companionships what they had had for dinner (after a very rainy day) and they had eaten ramen noodles and did not complain at all to us.  Well, meeting went until 9:10 and we told them we wanted to get them some food.  We got 4  McDonald's orders of what they would like,  they took the bus home,  we went to McDonalds and 25 minutes later we met them at their apartments.  They were very appreciative and it is fun to help them when we can.  We can't give them money but we can get them food so that is what we did!!

Our bread experience came to a screeching halt about 1 month ago.  Joe must have had a bad day;  he

Thursday night was the 4th Thursday RS Activity.  We invited 3 less-active sisters to go with us and they had such a great time.  This was an evening about Missionary Work.  Sister Carter has served 2 missions to Russia prior to the one in Seattle so they asked us to make Russian Piroshkis for part of the meal.  We cooked from 4-6 and walked out the door at 6:10; then we drove to pick up our friends, headed to the church about 8 miles away and were 15 minutes late....oh, I do not like to be late and they all wondered where 'the food' was.  This was a great evening.  Sisters Long, Kato and Brown shared Missionary Experiences.  Sister Carter, Sister Frame shared experiences about how to prepare for a mission and then Sister Miller, wife of the 1st Counselor in the Mission Presidency spoke.  Great Evening and all loved it very much.

Fridays we still continue to sing with The Smiths and Nancy goes with us.  I think we have been doing this for 3 months each week and have 8 more Fridays to go.  We just love being with these dear kind and loving Christlike people.

Today is Saturday and after we had finished most of our appointments we went to the bread dispensary at 3:15 and all the bread had been thrown into the dumpster.   Yes, I found a plastic box and I went 'dumpster diving' because we needed bread for the missionaries and a few of our people.
It had only been thrown away for about 15-20 minutes so I knew it was safe.  I know you wish you  had a picture of Sister Frame in her skirt leaning and stretching from on top of a box into a dumpster to get bread!!  We certainly did cheer up those that were out of food at the end of the month and needed it plus this adds a bit of 'fun' to our Missionary experiences!!

Saturday at  5:30 we went to a baptism for Bro. Williams whom Elders Brown//Garriss had taught.  It was beautiful and his family (non-members) plus about 25 others were in attendance.  This Seatac Ward is so good to support baptisms of people they do not know.  Then at 7:00 Nancy and her son fed us dinner in our Clubhouse.  Vicky was also invited and the food and visiting were just so good.  We taught Nancy and her son was not too pleased with us;  however, he has found out that we really are pretty nice ole ladies (in fact he loves us and appreciates what we have done for his mom).

Our Sweet Tongan Sisters sent this thought out on our phones on Wed.  It said:
    "Don't give up what you want most for what you want now!"
These are pretty powerful words!   Too often we lose sight of the Eternal Goal.  It is our duty as missionaries to prepare God's children to once again live with Him and their Families. And remember, we are all the words we speak, by the example we show as we talk and walk, by our business dealings and what we do when we are 'out and about'.  People are always watching each of us and looking for an example to help lift them. May God be with all of you and bless each in your personal endeavors you are involved in. Take the time to appreciate the good that is around you.  Look at the sunrises and enjoy each beautiful sunset.  Be so thankful for the blessing of being alive.  Live, Laugh, Love each other and be Happy!!!
told us we could come and get bread at 2:15 but the bread bank closes at 2:30 and then they immediately 'throw away into the dumpsters' all that is left.  That makes us so sad.  We had gone 3 times and there was no bread so we decided to discontinue trying to help those that had so little.  Our last visit was 2 weeks ago (the bread is given away on T, TH and Sat) but Thurs we decided to go at the last minute and get 1 loaf for us. 
As we drove in, all the workers (Russians) ran to find Joe and tell him we were there.  He came outside, very kindly, and gave us all the bread  we wanted ( 2/3 had already been thrown in the dumpster) and then asked the gentlemen to give us 5 banana boxes of produce and then 7 banana boxes of cakes, donuts, pies and all types of pastries.  It was so amazing!!!  We were so thankful for their kindness (a Miracle) and we drive very carefully and quickly to the two humble trailer courts....and the car was emptied in about 45 minutes.  We saved a box of produce and a box of 3 cakes, donuts and other sweets for Dheaa and his family.  My goodness, you just can't believe how excited his family was!!  The blessing is that it just doesn't take very much to help people and make them happy if we take the time.  Many speak no English, but a smile is an International Language and it is fun to give away!!

Thanks so much for the notes, letters, pictures and all the strength you have given me.
I guess the plan is for me to speak in Sacrament Meeting on July 13, 2014 at 9:00am.
Love to each of you!!
Sister Frame

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